The Juridical Analysis of Proving the Legality of Crypto Currency in Money Laundering Crime Cases

Dimas Eriangga Putranto


Technological developments also have an impact on types of currency, the existence of Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and others. As of September 2021, the types of cryptocurrency you can trade range from nearly 6,000 coins to more than 10,000, with a total market capitalization of nearly 2 trillion US dollars. As virtual money, it is widely debated whether it can replace conventional currency issued by banking authorities in each country today or whether cryptocurrency will be the currency of the future. In trading as a means of investment and payment in Indonesia, its use can be said to be illegal if seen from Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency. Cryptocurency users with their blockchain system make anonymous and per-to-per transactions so that they can be attractive to perpetrators of money laundering crimes using this cryptocurrency facility. Various countries have their own legal views regarding cryptocurrency regulation. Cryptocurrency as an investment tool has a negative impact on the State of Indonesia, especially regarding this business because the person or group who commits this crime uses technological advances with dirty purposes so that the perpetrator can be punished using Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes. Of course, adequate regulations can mitigate the risks of using cryptocurrency as a means of money laundering crimes.


Cryptocurrency; Digital; Laundering; Money.


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