The Criminal Law Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers as Victims of Human Trafficking Crime

Amingga Meilana Primastito


Cases of trafficking in persons (TPPO) are increasing and causing many victims with various kinds of suffering experienced who need to get legal protection, for all the suffering and losses incurred as victims of trafficking in persons. One of the modes of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) is by offering work abroad as Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). There was an increase in the number of migrant workers who became victims of TPPO in 2022-2023. The problem in this study has the aim of knowing and analyzing the legal protection for Indonesian migrant workers as victims of human trafficking and solutions that need to be done by the government to provide legal protection for Indonesian migrant workers against victims of human trafficking. This research uses a juridical sociological approach method with descriptive analysis research specifications, types and sources of data, namely primary data obtained directly from research in the field and secondary data by conducting literature studies, logical and systematic data analysis methods. For the problems in this study, justice theory, legal protection theory, and legal system theory are used. Based on the results of research on obstacles and solutions in providing legal protection to Indonesian migrant workers as victims of human trafficking crimes, it can be concluded: (1) Legal protection of Indonesian migrant workers as victims of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) is regulated in Article 43 through Article 55 of Law Number 21 of 2007. (2) The government has made various efforts to eradicate the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) against Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).


Human-Trafficking; Migrant; Protection; Workers.


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