Analysis of Legal Protection for Child Victims of Prostitution in Justice-Based Human Trafficking Criminal Actions
The purpose of this study is to analyze legal protection for child victims of prostitution in human trafficking crimes and to analyze the formulation of legal protection for child victims of prostitution in human trafficking crimes based on justice in the future. The approach method used in compiling the thesis is normative legal research. This study uses research specifications with descriptive methods. The type and source of data use secondary data. Collecting legal materials using library research is a documentation technique, then presented in a descriptive analysis. The results of this study are (1) Legal protection for children as victims of prostitution in human trafficking crimes reviewed from the theory of legal protection, Legal protection includes individual rights guaranteed by the state, including the right of children to be free from inhumane treatment and to receive physical and psychological recovery when a child becomes a victim through various forms of protection such as counseling, medical assistance, legal assistance, supervision, and prevention, the state is required to create a legal environment that protects children from exploitation and provides ongoing protection after the prostitution case is revealed. Within the framework of the theory of legal protection, rehabilitation efforts through counseling and medical services are an important part of the victim's right to be restored, both physically and mentally. (2) The formulation of legal protection for child victims of prostitution in human trafficking crimes based on justice in the future within the legal framework of a country should ideally be able to integrate the best interests of children as a cross-sectoral principle, and in laws related to human trafficking issues, this principle must be reaffirmed as a principle that is superior to all other considerations. In the future, public prosecutors can first confiscate the assets of human trafficking perpetrators, which will later make it easier to execute restitution payments to victims.
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