Implementation of Diversion in Handling Cases Against Children in Conflict with the Legal in the Jurisdiction of the Pekalongan Police
Childhood is a very vulnerable period in the growth process, children are often influenced by the environment in which they interact and socialize. This means that it is often found that many children are involved in legal problems, whether they are children as victims of criminal acts or children as perpetrators of criminal acts. Specifically in Indonesia, regulations regarding the Juvenile Criminal Justice System are regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (hereinafter referred to as the SPPA Law). In this research, the approach method used is: a normative juridical approach or a statutory approach. The research specification used is Descriptive Analytical, which is an effort to analyze and explain legal issues related to the object with a comprehensive and systematic description of everything related to the Diversion of children in conflict with the law. The author believes that it is important to implement diversion in handling cases against children in conflict with the law. This aims to ensure that the child's rights are maintained as children are great assets of the nation and state in the future.
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