Legal Analysis of The Authority of Military Courts in Trying Officers Who Commit General Crimes
The purpose of this research is to determine the authority of military justice in trying members who commit general crimes and to analyze the authority of military justice in trying members who commit general crimes in the future. The approach method used in this research is the normative juridical method. This type of research uses descriptive analysis research. Secondary data in this research was obtained through literature study and to support secondary data as the main data in this research. The results of this research are (1) The authority of military justice in trying members who commit general crimes is regulated in several regulations, including Article 3 paragraph (4a) MPR Decree Number VII/MPR/2000, Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army , and Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Justice. Differences in jurisdiction in these regulations create legal uncertainty and give rise to inconsistencies in determining which court has the authority to try military members who commit general crimes. This uncertainty also has the potential to reduce the level of public trust in the justice system, because society may see inconsistencies in law enforcement as a form of injustice. This legal uncertainty can also have an impact on the rights of defendants and victims, where the legal protection and basic rights that should be provided may not be fully guaranteed. (2) The military court's authority in trying members who commit general crimes in the future should only have the authority to try offenses related to military duties in the future as regulated in the military criminal code (KUHPM). ). Then, if military soldiers commit general criminal offenses, they must be tried in a general court like other citizens. As in the Military Justice Law, this court was essentially created to try violations related to military duty itself.
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