Legal Analysis of the Nature of Narcotic Use to Combating Recidivic Acts of First Class Narcotic Abuse Criminal Offence

Muhammad Dyan Aulia Burhani


Narcotics are a very dangerous threat to the future of the Indonesian nation. Basically, narcotics are used in the medical world as drugs in the form of drugs or liquids that are intended to relieve pain, reduce consciousness in order to assist medical personnel in carrying out actions on patients who are being treated. However, in its development, narcotics have been misunderstood as being used outside of medical regulations for inappropriate purposes. The sedative effect resulting from the narcotic reaction is exploited by irresponsible individuals to fulfill personal desires without paying attention to the very dangerous side effects without medical supervision. The increasing number of crimes committed by individuals who use narcotics without medical advice causes serious enough danger that the state has formed a special body that focuses on dealing with cases of narcotics abuse, however, the use of narcotics continues to increase and there are several individuals who dare to repeat the same criminal acts. even though a previous judge has received a decision, this is often referred to as recidivist. This research uses a normative method by reviewing several rules and literature related to the research to be conducted. The resulting empirical data becomes a standard source of material for conducting research, namely Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and several other related regulations as well as the views of several experts sourced from books, journals and other literature related to narcotics abuse.


Criminal; Offenses; Narcotics; Recidivism.

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