Comparison of the Division of Inheritance Rights of Children Out of Wedding Based Onwestern Inheritance Law and Islamic Inheritance Law
This research aims to examine and answer problems regarding the legal relationship of illegitimate children with parents and family according to Islamic law and civil law, the legal status of illegitimate children in inheritance law according to Islamic law and civil law, as well as the distribution of inheritance of illegitimate children based on law. Islamic inheritance and the Civil Code. This type of research is a type of empirical juridical legal research that is sociological in nature. The results of this research show that with the recognition of the legal status of illegitimate children they can change to recognized illegitimate children. Illegitimate children are recognized as having the right to inherit according to the inheritance class and what is regulated by the Civil Code. In Islam, illegitimate children do not inherit from their father because there is no lineage between them. But if you want to inherit, you must also get the child's recognition first.
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