Analysis of the Legal Liability Relationship Between Hospitals and Patients in Health Services

Ratna Kumalasari


Carrying out the hospital's responsibility towards patients in health services is an obligation that must be fulfilled so that every action, treatment and care received by the patient is of higher quality and is successful in order to cure and save the patient's life. The research method used is a sociological juridical approach which is legal research using primary data in the field as initial data which is then continued with secondary data. The aim of this research is to analyze the legal responsibilities between hospitals and patients in health services. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that administrative control in providing health services is to guarantee legal certainty and legal protection for hospitals and patients in providing health services in accordance with professional standards, standard operational procedures and medical service standards that apply to hospitals. To fulfill justice between hospitals and patients in health services, an agreement is implemented, namely a therapeutic agreement. Thus, if analyzed using legal protection theory and justice theory, the implementation of legal responsibilities between hospitals and patients, especially at the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital, has been running well and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. So that patient rights can be fulfilled and patients feel confident and comfortable in seeking treatment at the hospital.


Helath; Hospitals; Patients; Responsibilities.


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