Police Actions Shooting Dead Muggers Based on Legal Legitimacy
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the legal legitimacy of the action of shooting dead muggers by the Police. In this writing, the author uses a normative legal method with a descriptive analysis research specification. The dilemma in responding to the phenomenon of shooting dead muggers by the Police is a concern for all parties. In general, mugging is clearly a crime and must be punished. The Police must consider what actions will be taken in terms of using this force based on the level of danger of the threat posed by the mugger. Therefore, professionalism and a comprehensive understanding of the basis for an action taken by the police are very much needed so that there is no legal inequality, let alone human rights violations. The action of shooting dead street criminals must be viewed broadly. Although this action can reduce the crime rate in one area, shooting dead muggers is contrary to human rights (HAM) and can lead to extrajudicial killings.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.171-180
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