The Role of Military Police in Handling Violations of Marital Law in the Military
This study aims to analyze the role of Military Police in handling violations of marital law in the military environment, with a case study of Military Police Detachment IV/5 Pomdam IV/Diponegoro. In addition, this study also examines the obstacles in handling the case and the solutions that can be implemented. The approach used in this study is sociological juridical, with analytical descriptive research specifications. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews and analyzed using legal theory. The results of the study indicate that the Military Police has a crucial role in handling violations of marital law by military members, in accordance with Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI. The duties of the Military Police include investigation, law enforcement, and coaching to ensure that military law regulations are complied with. However, there are several obstacles in carrying out this task, such as obstacles to cross-regional coordination if the members involved are in different locations from the scene of the incident, as well as difficulties in handing over cases between units. Other obstacles include the collection of evidence, the complexity of military legal procedures, and psychological factors that hinder the smooth resolution of cases. To overcome these obstacles, improving coordination between Military Police units and communication with related TNI units is essential. These steps are expected to support the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement against marital violations in the military environment.
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