Application Of Restorative Justice In Terminating Investigations Of Criminal Acts Of Abuse At The Demak Police

Ahmad Anies


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the implementation of the termination of investigations into criminal acts of abuse based on restorative justice at the Demak Police. identify and analyze obstacles and solutions in terminating investigations into cases of criminal acts of abuse based on restorative justice at the Demak Police. This legal research uses an empirical legal research approach. Sociological juridical research. The implementation of restorative justice at the Demak Police has accommodated all wishes and input from the parties involved in the case, regarding the legal status of the complainant/victim and the perpetrator/suspect. carry out the termination of criminal investigation investigations based on restorative justice and the solution is: In its implementation there is often peace between the perpetrator and the victim where the investigation files have been handed over to the prosecutor's office so that the police investigator cannot stop the legal process for free. The solution is to attach a letter of reconciliation from the perpetrator and victim to the investigation file sent to the Public Prosecutor. The second obstacle is that there is no agreement between the victims and the perpetrators. There are several possible causes, for example the perpetrator is unable to provide compensation to the victim or the victim feels unwilling to make peace. Based on these obstacles, investigators can provide a persuasive and friendly approach to both parties in seeking peace. There is no uniform understanding of investigators regarding criminal cases that can be terminated criminal investigations based on restorative justice. The solution to this obstacle is to provide detailed information regarding the resolution or law enforcement in criminal cases, especially in cases of simple criminal offenses, especially settlements outside criminal justice.


Justice; Police; Persecution; Restorative.


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