The Effectiveness Of Law Enforcement Against Criminal Acts Of Physical Violence In The Household At The State Attorney Of Central Lombok

Andi Dian Kusuma Lantara


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze law enforcement regarding criminal acts of physical violence in the household at the Central Lombok District Prosecutor's Office. determine and analyze the effectiveness of law enforcement against criminal acts of physical violence in the household at the Central Lombok District Prosecutor's Office. The writing uses a Sociological Juridical approach, namely research that uses an approach method to problems looking at applicable norms or laws as positive provisions. The results of this research are that enforcement of criminal acts of domestic violence is in accordance with Lawrence M. Friedman's law enforcement theory. Legal certainty is realized by law with its nature which only creates general legal rules. The general nature of legal regulations proves that the law does not aim to realize justice or benefit, but merely for certainty. In this case, the PKDRT Law has provided a clear formulation regarding the crime of domestic violence as regulated in Article 44 of the PKDRT Law. So that law enforcement actions carried out by law enforcers fulfill the principle of legal certainty. The effectiveness of law enforcement for criminal acts of domestic violence includes legal factors: The PKDRT Law can resolve the stalemate of domestic conflicts before the law. Law enforcement factor: legal officials who still use the old paradigm, namely refusing to deal with domestic violence cases, consider domestic violence trivial. Legal culture factor: society's own perception that problems that occur in the household are private matters. Facilities and infrastructure factors: the facilities provided so far can be said to be inadequate. The ratio between population, area and facilities provided is not balanced. Community factors: Indonesian people's awareness of domestic violence law shows varying levels, whether they are victims, perpetrators or witnesses. This diversity refers to aspects of quality and quantity. Based on the factors that influence the effectiveness of the law based on Soeryono Soekanto's theory of effectiveness, law enforcement for criminal acts of domestic violence in the Central Lombok District Prosecutor's Office has not been effective, of the 5 criteria for legal effectiveness, only legal factors are running well, where the PKDRT Law can resolve the deadlock. domestic conflict before the law.


Domestic; Effectiveness; Enforcement; Violence.


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