Analysis of Legal Protection for Contract Employees in Cases of Unilateral Termination of Employment Based on Social Justice (Case Study of Layoffs in Central Java Region)
Unilateral termination of employment (PHK) is still a serious problem in Indonesia, as seen from several cases in Grobogan, Brebes, and Jepara in 2023. These cases involve layoffs without clear reasons, not extending contracts, or dismissing workers due to lack of orders. Although there are settlement mechanisms regulated in the Manpower Law, ranging from bipartite negotiations to the Industrial Relations Court (PHI), their effectiveness is still questionable. Trade Unions play an important role in fighting for workers' rights, but workers' positions remain vulnerable. Further research is needed to assess the effectiveness of legal mechanisms in protecting employee rights, especially contract employees, and preventing similar problems from recurring in the future. The approach method used in writing this law is the normative legal approach. The data collection technique in writing this law is carried out by means of library research. This study uses qualitative data analysis techniques, qualitative data analysis, namely the data obtained will be analyzed qualitatively from a legal perspective. The results of the study conclude that the analysis of legal protection for contract employees in the case of unilateral termination of employment in the Central Java region based on the principle of social justice is highly dependent on the fulfillment of strict legal procedures and the existence of an effective dispute resolution mechanism. Legal efforts that can be taken by contract employees are to submit negotiations or bipartite deliberations with employers, submit joint agreements, resolve cases in industrial relations courts and sanctions that can be imposed on companies that unilaterally terminate employment in the Central Java region are administrative sanctions.
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