Analysis of Legal Protection for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Barelang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Batam City
The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the legal protection for victims of drug abuse in the Barelang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Batam City based on the perspective of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and to find out and analyze future criminal law policies in providing legal protection for victims of drug abuse in the Barelang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, Batam City. This type of research is normative legal research with a statutory approach with descriptive-prescriptive characteristics that are sourced from secondary data, including: primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. This secondary data includes primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary materials obtained by means of literature study, then analyzed with legal analysis. Based on evidence in the form of witness statements, clues, letters, suspect statements and confiscated evidence, my analysis to answer the formulation of the problem of what form of legal protection is provided for perpetrators of drug abuse, namely that the form of legal protection from the police as the suspect's actions can be suspected of committing a crime. In addition, in the results of this study, the form of drug abuse in the Barelang Police Investigation Unit, Batam City itself is divided into abusers, drug trafficking, drug production and misuse of personal prescriptions for general abuse that occurs in the jurisdiction of the Barelang Police, Batam City itself, namely abuse for personal use and drug trafficking.
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