Investigation of Child Criminals Carrying Sharp Weapons in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

Anang Patria Luhludy, Ahmad Hadi Prayitno


This study aims to determine and analyze the investigation of child criminals carrying sharp weapons in the juvenile criminal justice system at the Banyumas Police, along with the obstacles faced and their solutions. This study uses a sociological juridical approach method. The research specification is descriptive analytical, while the data uses primary data and secondary data. The collection method is field study and literature study. The data analysis method used is qualitative. The theories used in this study are the theory of law enforcement and the theory of legal benefits. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the investigation of children who commit crimes of carrying sharp weapons in the juvenile criminal justice system at the Banyumas Police is carried out by referring to the Criminal Procedure Code, the SPPA Law, and Law Drt Number 12 of 1951. In the investigation process, child perpetrators are accompanied by parents, Bapas, and lawyers and also involve community officers from Bapas to make research reports as considerations for investigators. Obstacles in the investigation of child perpetrators of crimes of carrying sharp weapons at the Banyumas Police are the difficulty of presenting children in the examination process and mandatory reporting because children are not detained, limited resources, and the lack of public understanding of the law. The solution to overcome these obstacles is for investigators to coordinate with parents and schools, increase the budget and training for law enforcement officers who handle child cases, and conduct socialization in schools and socialization through social media about the prohibition of brawls and violence and the prohibition of carrying sharp weapons.


investigation; children; crime of carrying sharp weapons

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