Analysis of Replacement Payments in Corruption Crimes Based on Justice
The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the current regulations for paying replacement money in criminal acts of corruption, knowing and analyzing the implementation of paying replacement money in criminal acts of corruption based on the value of Justice. This legal research uses an empirical legal research approach. This research discusses additional punishment in the form of payment of compensation for criminal acts of corruption as an important instrument for recovering state losses resulting from corrupt acts. The crime of replacement money aims not only to return misused funds to the state treasury, but also to provide a deterrent effect to perpetrators of corruption. The implementation of this crime is based on the Corruption Eradication Law, with a direct payment mechanism by the convict or through auction of confiscated assets. However, its implementation is faced with challenges, such as lengthy legal processes, identification of state losses, and the tendency of convicts to choose light subsidiary prison sentences rather than paying compensation. This research emphasizes the importance of synergy between prosecutors, related agencies, and a transparent judicial process to overcome these obstacles. It is necessary to evaluate policies and regulations, including tightening subsidiary criminal provisions, to increase the effectiveness of recovering state losses and promote justice and prevent corruption. It is hoped that these findings can become a reference for improving the legal system in dealing with criminal acts of corruption.
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