The Authority of the Curator in Resolving Bankrupt Boedel of Companies Based on Legal Certainty

Chyntia Nuryanti


The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the Regulations on Bankrupt Boedel According to Positive Law in Indonesia, to determine and analyze the Authority of the Curator in Resolving Bankrupt Boedel of Companies Based on Legal Certainty. The research conducted by the author is a research that falls into the category of doctrinal research or in Indonesia is often referred to as a normative research method. Doctrinal legal research is research on laws that are developed and conceptualized on the basis of doctrines adopted by the conceptor and/or developer. Bankruptcy law in Indonesia, as regulated in Law Number 37 of 2004, faces various challenges in its application, although it is based on principles such as paritas creditorium, pari passu prorate parte, and structured creditors. The curator has a central role in the management and settlement of bankrupt assets, including the identification, verification, and distribution of assets to creditors in accordance with legal priorities. However, weaknesses in law enforcement, the absence of strict sanctions, and the imbalance in treatment between creditors and debtors, such as in the application of actio pauliana, often result in the principles of justice and legal certainty being ignored. Therefore, a revision of regulations is needed to strengthen supervision, increase the efficiency of the curator's duties, and ensure a balance of rights and obligations in order to create a fair, transparent, and trustworthy bankruptcy system.


Curator; Bankruptcy; Authority

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