Law Enforcement Against Road Traffic Violations Committed by Children

Eko Supriyono, Andri Winjaya Laksana


The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children. To determine and analyze obstacles to law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children and their solutions. To determine and analyze law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children in the future. The method used by the researcher is an empirical juridical legal approach and the specifications in this study are descriptive. The sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data obtained from literature studies. Based on the results of the study, law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children is carried out in several ways, including: reviewing the incident, resolving it with a diversion process, imposing imprisonment as a last alternative and imposing sanctions. Internal obstacles in the form of public understanding of diversion, thoughts between victims and parties in conflict with the law to reach an agreement. External obstacles in the form of different understandings in dealing with children in conflict with the law among law enforcement officers. Efforts to overcome obstacles to law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children, namely: Internal efforts are to conduct socialization about diversion among the community, efforts to unite thoughts between victims and children in conflict with the law to reach an agreement. External efforts are to build intensive communication with other law enforcement officers. Law enforcement against road traffic violations committed by children in the future, law enforcers must resolve them based on the Child Protection Law and the Juvenile Justice Law. The law regulates the future accountability of children properly, not only with criminal efforts. Traffic Case Settlement Process Outside the Court.


Law Enforcement, Road Traffic Violations, Children

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