The Role of the Police in Combating the Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages Based on Justice Values (Case Study: Demak Police)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of the police in combating the distribution of alcoholic beverages and to analyze the obstacles and solutions of the police in combating the distribution of alcoholic beverages.
The approach method used in compiling the thesis is empirical legal research. The specifications in this study are descriptive analytical. The types and sources of data use primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used in this study is Qualitative analysis.
The results of this study are (1) The role of the police in combating alcoholic beverages in Demak Regency includes preemptive, preventive and repressive efforts. Preemptive efforts involve education and socialization to prevent the community from being involved in the distribution and consumption of illegal alcohol. Preventive efforts are carried out through surveillance, patrols, and routine operations to prevent violations. Repressive efforts, where the police conduct raids and enforce the law against perpetrators of illegal liquor distribution. In a raid in 2024, the Demak Police managed to confiscate 5,526 bottles of liquor consisting of 2,441 bottles of manufactured liquor and 3,085 bottles of traditional liquor in the form of arak which were successfully confiscated and destroyed. (2) Obstacles in overcoming the circulation of illegal liquor in Demak Regency can be analyzed through three components of the legal system according to Lawrence M. Friedman's theory, namely legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture. The existing legal substance does not specifically regulate the circulation of liquor so that law enforcement is less effective. The legal structure faces challenges in the form of overlapping authority between the police and Satpol PP, which hinders synergy in enforcement. Meanwhile, the legal culture in society is still weak, with low awareness of the importance of complying with the rule of law and the continued permissive attitude towards the circulation of illegal liquor. These three components must be improved so that efforts to overcome the circulation of illegal liquor can run more effectively and consistently. The solution to these obstacles is the establishment of a special law on alcoholic beverages, strengthening coordination between law enforcement agencies, increasing education about the dangers of alcohol.
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