Journal of Sains Medika (JSM), is the journal founded and issued by Faculty of Medicine Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) in Indonesian version. The formation of JSM is as a form of responsibility of Faculty of Medicine Sultan Agung Islamic University as a media to provide publications in order to elevate sciences and technological developement. Research articles or other scientific manuscripts were produced by reseacher or group of academicians have no benefit if not published. Journal of Sains Medika as a young journal, feels that it is not easy to attract researcher or group academicians to submit their good and worthy manuscripts to JSM. It is plausible, considering majority of reseachers tend to submit their manuscripts to the accredited national journals or journals with international reputations.Therefore, in order to maintain JSM’s excellent quality, continuity to develop, and consistenly issued, all staff must have a determination and commitment for struggle. Indeed, we encounter a great challanges and obstacles to undertake JSM smoothly. However, until today these challenges and obstacles are taken over by all staff of JSM. Due to the great struggle of all staff, JSM have been existing for 8 years.

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