Developing The Potential of Organizational Affective Commitment through The Islamic Work Ethic and Meaningful Work Approach

Megananda Trisna Pratama


This study aims to explore more deeply the potential of Affective Commitment through testing the variables that are predicted to affect the level of Affective Commitment of the organization. The variables that are predicted to affect the level of Affective Commitment are Islamic Work Ethic; Meaningful Work; and Achievement. The sample used was Muslim workers in the Semarang city area, with a total of 166 respondents involved in filling out the questionnaire data. The data analysis used was quantitative descriptive and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results of the study revealed that Islamic Work Ethic and Meaningful Work have a significant direct effect on Achievement; Islamic Work Ethic and Meaningful Work have a significant direct effect on Affective Commitment. The Indirect Effects test resulted in the Achievement variable being able to mediate the relationship between Islamic Work Ethic and Affective Commitment, but failed to mediate the relationship between Meaningful Work and Affective Commitment.

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