Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation in Improving Elementary School Teachers' Performance (Empirical Study in Elementary Schools in South Arut District)

Hasbullah Jaini


Abstract. This study aims to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership, work motivation, and teacher performance in elementary schools in Arut Selatan District. Transformational leadership is a concept that involves leaders who are able to inspire, motivate, and direct their subordinates towards a greater vision. Work motivation includes internal and external factors that drive individuals to achieve goals and improve their performance. Teacher performance is the result of their efforts in teaching and achieving learning goals. This study uses a quantitative method with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The research sample consisted of 130 teachers from various elementary schools in Arut Selatan District. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical techniques and regression analysis. The results of the study showed a significant relationship between transformational leadership and teacher work motivation. In addition, work motivation also has a significant influence on teacher performance. These findings indicate that leaders who implement an effective transformational leadership style can improve teacher work motivation, which in turn can improve their performance in carrying out educational tasks. This study contributes to the understanding of the importance of transformational leadership and work motivation in improving teacher performance. The practical implications of this study are the importance of education and training for the development of transformational leadership and work motivation for school principals as well as efforts to create a work environment that supports and motivates teachers in achieving learning goals.

Keywords: Transformational leadership; teacher performance; work motivation

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