Legal Protection Of Personal Data Based On Electronic Transactions In The Era Of The Digital Economy

Andi Aina Ilmih


The Digital Economy as a support for economic growth in Indonesia has spread to almost all aspects of life. The rapid development of the digital economy has the potential to pose risks and challenges in the future. The increasing use of digital technology in electronic transactions has made information no longer limited to a medium for transactions and communication, but a source of profit in the economy. Information in the form of someone’s personal data is not necessarily used properly, it can even be misused by unauthorized parties. Facing this, the importance of protecting personal data in electronic transactions, by strengthening digital-based security systems to mitigate the risk of crime in the digital economy era. This study uses normative legal research methods, with a legal approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that the form of personal data protection in electronic transactions, namely in the form of regulations / legal arrangements that are still guided by the ITE Law, although the ITE Law has not specifically regulated personal data and the form of personal data monitoring can be carried out by two parties, namely the private sector and government as a form of legal protection

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