Enju Juanda, Mairul Mairul


The change of President and cabinet of government resulted in the birth of many laws and regulations in accordance with the wishes of each government in power at that time. This then raises regulatory issues where there are several laws and regulations that overlap, causing a policy conflict between one ministry / department and another ministry / department. The problem in writing this paper is how can Omnibus Law solve the regulatory issues in the land sector in Indonesia? The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia need to improve the relationship of coordination between related institutions or government institutions in resolving conflicts such as conflicts over plantation land, taking up state forest land. The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia have been given authority regarding all attributions relating to the management, use and allocation of land. Therefore, the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia must intensify coordination with related ministries in resolving land conflicts. The problem of land is a complex national problem mainly because it involves the lives of many people. Land is a means of production and helps guarantee the welfare of the people. As a result, land conflicts are prone to occur especially if the community no longer has access to land. To fix all land issues, it is imperative to reform regulations in the land sector. Omnibus Law which can later be realized in the form of integrated regulations (Omnibus Regulation) will minimize the clash of statutory regulations related to certain fields, for example the land sector. Land law can be an integrated statutory regulation governing land law policy. Land issues in Indonesia have become one of the factors reducing the investment climate in Indonesia.

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