The Principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda in Enforcement International Criminal Law

Roni Indra


The development of the world which is marked by the rapid progress of science and technology has increased the intensity of relations and interdependence between countries. The improvement of these relations further enhances international cooperation as outlined in various forms of international agreements. General arrangements regarding international agreements are contained in the 1969 Vienna Convention on International Treaty Law. In the general principles of international law, it is known as the principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda, which generally means that the agreement is only binding on the parties that make it. This research study is normative juridical in nature as the main approach, by looking at international law as rules/norms and general law principles in the enforcement of international criminal law. In general, Pacta Sunt Servanda is interpreted as the binding of a country to an international agreement caused by the agreement of the country to bind itself to an international agreement. A country that is a participant in an international agreement made based on international treaty law must comply with the agreement/agreement, because the country is bound by Pacta Sunt Servanda. The existence of the principle of Pacta Sunt Servanda in the enforcement of international criminal law is getting stronger from time to time. This is seen by the increasing difficulty of the criteria given to enforce provisions in agreements relating to international crimes to countries that are not bound by the international treaty.


Enforcement; Pacta Sunt Servanda; Treaty.

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