Accountability for the Crime of Money Laundering with the Predicate Crime of Narcotics

Fransiscus Sukarinaldo


Money laundering or money laundering is a series of activities which is a process carried out by a person or organization against illicit money, namely money from criminal acts, with the intention of hiding, disguising the origin of the money from the government or the competent authorities. Money laundering crimes in Indonesia are regulated in Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes. This study uses a normative juridical approach. As for obtaining data from this discussion, researchers use legally binding materials, namely laws. Data analysis using juridical analysis. Data analysis techniques are qualitative analysis in the form of presentations, descriptions, and descriptions of research results.The results of the study thatThe crime of money laundering (Money Laundering) is a crime that has a characteristic that the crime of money laundering is a double crime because the form of money laundering is a follow-up crime or is called a follow-up crime, while the initial crime or original crime is called a predicate offense or core crime. only drug crime. In Article 2 paragraph (1) letter c of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention of Eradication of ML, it states narcotics as one of the proceeds of wealth which includes crimes that can be charged as ML and vice versa in Article 137 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics alludes to regarding the crime of money laundering or in the sense of the flow of proceeds from the narcotics crime.
Keywords: Crime; Money Laundering; Narcotics.

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The Criminal Code,

The Criminal Procedure Code,

Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics,

Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes

Regulation of the Head of BNN Number 7 of 2016 concerning Investigations and Investigations into Narcotics Crimes

Verdict No.350/Pid. Sus/2022/Pn. Plk



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