The Role of the Police in Overcoming Traffic Violations Committed by Children
The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the role of the Police in dealing with traffic violations committed by children in the jurisdiction of the Majelengka resort police and the effectiveness of the implementation of handling traffic violations against children by the Police in the jurisdiction of the Majelengka resort Police. The theories used in this research are the Theory of Authority and the Theory of Legal Effectiveness. This research uses an empirical juridical approach and the nature of this research is analytical descriptive. Data collection was carried out through literature study in order to obtain secondary data, whether in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, or tertiary legal materials. The technical analysis used in this research is qualitative analysis techniques. Based on the research results, it is known that the role of the police in overcoming traffic violations by children as motorbike riders is carried out in a preventive role and a repressive role. The preventive role is a form of prevention carried out by the Majalengka Regency Police Traffic Unit against traffic violations committed by children as motorbike riders. Meanwhile, the repressive role carried out by the Majalengka Regency Police Traffic Unit in dealing with traffic violations committed by children is carried out by means of a warning, which is valid only 1 (one) time, if the child has already received a warning from the police but still commits the violation traffic violations, the police will issue a ticket against the child. Traffic violations by children cannot be separated from the support of parents/family and as long as parents still allow or even order their underage children to drive motorized vehicles, then handling traffic violations against children by The police in the jurisdiction of the Majalengka resort police were declared less effective.
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