The Administration of Orange Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Extract Increases Sperm Consentration, Mortility and Viability in Male Mice Exposed to Cigarette Smoke

Lintang Laila Rizqy*  -  Medical Faculty of Islamic Sultan Agung University, Indonesia
Nor Anisatun Nida  -  Medical Faculty of Islamic Sultan Agung University
Dwi Ayu Noviana  -  Medical Faculty of Islamic Sultan Agung University
Taufiqurrachman Nasihun  -  Departement of Biochemnistry, Medical Faculty, Islamic Sultan agung University
Eni Widayati  -  Departement of Chemistry, Medical Faculty, Islamic Sultan agung University

(*) Corresponding Author

Introduction: Ipomoea batatas L (LIP) contains antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. Cigarette smoke containing ROS has been proven to decrease sperm quality.

Objective: this study aimed to confirm that orange sweet potato extract increases sperm consentration, motility, and viability in mice exposed to cigarette smoke.

Methods: In this experimental study with post test only control group design, 30 male mice were divided into 6 groups. Normal group (Nor-G), no intervention, served as the normal control group. Negative control group (Neg-G) was only exposed to cigarette smoke. Positive control group was only treated with IPL 16mg/ml. IPL-15, IPL-16, and IPL-17 group were treated with IPL 15, 16, and 17mg/ml and exposed to cigarette smoke, respectively.

Results: Post Hoc LSD analysis showed that means of sperm concentration and viability in IPL-15, IPL-16, and IPL-17 group were significantly higher compared to that of Neg-G (p < 0.05) and were lower compared to that of Nor-G and Pos-G (p < 0.05). Mann Whitney analysis indicated that the persentage of sperm motility in IPL-15, IPL-16, and IPL-17, were significant higher compared to that of Neg-G, p < 0.05. Whilst compared to that of Nor-G and Pos-G the persentage of sperm motility in IPL-15, IPL-16, and IPL-17, there was no significant differences, p > 0.05.

Conclusion: treatment of IPL capable of increasing sperm concentration, motility, and viability in male mice were exposed to cigarrette smoke.

Keywords: cigarette smoke;sperm motility;that extract of orange sweet potato;beta-carotene;Vitamin C;Vitamin E

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ISSN: 2339-093X (Online) | 2085-1545 (Print)
DOI : 10.30659/sainsmed

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