Vol 2, No 1 (2024)

March 2024

Table of Contents


The Sanctions for Cancellation of Land Sale and Purchase Deeds Made in the Presence of Land Deed Making Officials in West Manggarai Regency
Rafli Ilham Fathullah
The Responsibilities of Notary Staff as Witnesses for the Confidentiality of Deed Contents in Semarang Regency
Pinda Hapsari Manitis
The Role of Notaries in Distributing Inheritance to Adopted Children According to the Civil Code and the Compilation of Islamic Law
Bayu Kisworo
The Strength of Notarial Deed Proof as Evidence in the Civil Court Process
Astri Angreani Kiyai Demak
The Legal Protection for Buyers of Plots of Land with the Power to Sell in Demak Regency
Elisya Triwi Dyawati
Problems with the Implementation of Cyber Notary in Carrying Out the Duties of Notary Positions in Indonesia
Guntur Sujanoko
The Spraying of Collateral by the Bank is an Unlawful Act
Rappin M. Alghifary
The Legal Position of a Substitute Notary and the Deed He Makes Due to Notary Leave in Kudus Regency
Widyastuti Widyastuti
The Role of Notaries in Implementing the Principle of Beneficial Ownership of Corporations in Order to Prevent Crimes of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
Nurlita Wijayanti
Analysis of Legal Protection for Electronic-Based Land Certificate (E-Certificate) Holders in Land Law in Indonesia
Muhammad Jeppry Lius
The Juridical Implications for the Implementation of Therapeutic Agreements Between Hospitals and Patients in the Concept of Legal Certainty
Ginsyah Ginsyah
The Legal Position of the Deed of Marriage Agreement Made by a Notary in the Division of Joint Assets in the Event of Divorce
Faradhita Maudy Savana
The Legality of Electronic Deeds in the Cyber Notary Concept in Indonesia
Fatma Irawati
The Legal Position of Notarial Deeds That Include an Exoneration Clause
Bimo Otik Fajar Nugroho