Internationalization of Islamic Higher Education Institutions Toward Global Competitiveness

2018: Table of Content
Table of Contents
Automatic Exchange of Information: Education Era
Ahmad Rudi Yulianto
Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) Present to Give Positive Contribution in Ordering The World Islamic Civilization
Fahrina Yustiasari Liri Wati
Islamic Good University Governance
Hani Werdi Apriyanti
Government Policy Directions on Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Indonesia
Hanuring Ayu
Changing Uncondusive Working Culture in Islamic Higher Education Institution to be Learning Organization
Hidayatus Sholihah
Trading Friction and Spread Decomposition in Indonesian Stock Exchange
Immas Nurhayati, Irwan Adi Ekaputra, Zaäfri Ananto Husodo
Analysis of Factors Associated with Subjective Fatigue Among Motorcycle Drivers in Online Ojek
Luqman Effendi, Tryana Syadiah
Educational Resolution and Reformulation Through Higher Education Based on Multiple Intelligence and Its Implications on The Creation of Quality HR
Nella Lucky
Leadership Mentality in Indonesia's PTKIS Internationalization
Saproni Saproni
Case Study: Overview of the Initial Stage of the Implementation of Non-Communicable Diseases Integrated Service Post (POSBINDU PTM) at Glugur Darat Health Center Medan in 2014
Siti Khodijah Parinduri, Andreanda Nasution
Exergy Analysis of A Hermatic Turbine 500 kW Organic Rankine Cycle Geothermal Binary Power Plant
Yogi Sirodz Gaos, Muhamad Idham Bayu Aji, Irvan Wiradinata, Yuggo Afrianto
Application of Authentic Assessment in Various Learning Methods in Improving Student's Morals Through Religious Subjects
Nurzannah Nurzannah
Stress Levels and Stressors of First Year Students in Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammmadiyah Sumatera Utara
Desi Isnayanti, Nursahara Harahap
Improving Student’s Study Result Using Role Playing Methods and Animation Media on Arabic Courses in the Faculty of Islamic Religion University of Muhammadiyah Sumatra Utara
Hasrian Rudi Setiawan
Understanding and Attitude of Students on Islamic Life Values in Students in Islamic Higher Education
Ilham Khairi Siregar, Dony Darma Sagita
Motivation to Educate Lecturers in the Islamic Religion Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Sumatera Utara
Gunawan Gunawan, Robie Fanrenza
Enhanced Learning Outcomes Using Interactive Edutainment Learning Method
Chandra Anugrah Putra
Democratizing Political Parties Institution Through Checks and Balances Mechanism
Jamaludin Ghafur
Analysis of The Role of Higher Education in The Development of Pedagogic Competence of Madrasah Teachers Through The Learning of School Garden
Salati Asmahasanah, Maemunah Sa’diyah, Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah
Policy Required to Halal Product Certification in Indonesia
T.Riza Zarzani N, Irwan Jasa Tarigan
Contemporary Muslim Intellectuals on Critique of Islamic Reason
Nirwan Syafrin
Inculcate the Value of Decency Based on Dandang Tingang Philosophy
M. Fatchurahman, Bulkani Bulkani, Asep Solikin
The Concept of Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
Syafrinaldi Syafrinaldi, Syafriadi Syafriadi
The Integration of Character Values on Science Process of Students in SDN-8 Langkai, Palangkaraya City
Rita Rahmaniati
Hedging Local Products : Optimizing The Processed Products of Sago Commodity to Become More Competitive Globally
Cifebrima Suyastri, Marhadi Marhadi, Artha Yudilla
History and New Paradigm of Islamic Higher Education in Facing Global Competition
Syafhendry Syafhendry, Setyo Utomo
How Islamic University Beneficial For Industry Revolution 4.0?
Wahyu Setiawan, Mutoharoh Mutoharoh, Naila Najihah
The Impact of Greenpeance Anti-Palm Oil Campaign Towards Indonesian Palm Oil Export to Europe in 2008-2010
Dini Tiara Sasmi
Stakeholder Perception of Student’s Teaching Practice and Community Service in Songkhla Thailand
Santi Lisnawati, Nadeeyah Tehmadma
Al-Qur'an Epistemology and Science Orientation
Zulkarnaini Umar
Control System Design in Production Machines Paving Block Made from Plastic Waste
M. Hariansyah, Abdul Karim Halim
Syahwat Management, Tabarroja, Leadership Ethics Education In Islamic Perspectives
Iswan Iswan, Herwina Bahar
The Implementation of Fall Risk Assesment With Patients Safety Incidents In Islamic Hospital of Sultan Agung Semarang
Lilik Muhibatul Mila, Dyah Wiji Puspita Sari, Rita Kartikasari
Optimization of CSR Programs for Education Development in Central Kalimantan
Biroum Bernardianto
Telemedicine For Diabetes Mellitus Management in Community
Iskim Luthfa
Primary School Services Quality in Border Area of Indonesia – Malaysia
Retnowati WD Tuti, Mawar Mawar, Nida Handayani, Muhammad Sahrul
Improving Short Stories Writing Skill Using Three Dimensional Media on Ix Class Students In SMPLB A Tan Miyat, Bekasi, West Java
Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa, Mutiarani Mutiarani
Analyzing Journal “Plastic Bags to Prevent Hypothermia in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants†as Viewed in Transcultural Nursing Practice
Nopi Nur Khasanah, Kurnia Wijayanti
The Concept of Character Values in Curicullum 2013: An Islamic Perspective
Andarini Permata Cahyaningtyas
Islamic Academic Culture (BudAi) Model as A Strategy of Education and Civilization in Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA) Semarang: Theory and Practice
Agus Irfan, Didik Murwantono
Hydroterapy in Influencing The Changes of Elderly Blood Pressure
Nutrisia Nu’im Haiya, Iwan Ardian, Iskim Luthfa
The Implementation of Scratch Application in Mathematics Learning
Sri Imawati, M. Arif Shubchan
Cross Cultural Competencies for Informatics Engineering Graduates: A Case Study of Women from Dayaknese Communities of Central Kalimantan
Ika Windiarti, Bulkani Bulkani, Agung Prabowo
Analysis of Diarrhea in Toddlers in East Ciputat Primary Health Care in 2017
Siti Riptifah Tri Handari, Rizki Warida Hasibuan, Andriyani Andriyani, Ernyasih Ernyasih
Drill Strategy in Memorizing Short Surah Of Holy Qur’an Of The 3rd Graders Of SD Labschool FIP UMJ
Siska Kusumawardani, Zaitun Zaitun
Description of The Meaning of Life of Women Commercial Sex Workers in Semarang
Dwi Heppy Rochmawati, Indra Tri Astuti
Caring of Acute Deterioration Patient in Term of Leadership Ability Among Nurses at Selected Islamic Hospital
Ahmad Ikhlasul Amal, Suyanto Suyanto, Retno Setyawati, Moh Arifin Noor, Indah Sri Wahyuningsih, Fitria Endah Janitra, Dyah Wiji Puspita Sari
Islamic Education Policy Strategy in Indonesia's Digital Era
Evi Satispi, Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman
Reviving the Spirit of Scholarship in Islamic Universities: Reflections from the Life of Some Early Muslim Scholars
Ismail Hashim Abubakar
Audiovisual Media Assisted Guided Inquiry Model in Improving Learning Results
Herwina Bahar, Iswan Iswan, Sri Sudarningrum
Legal Setting Model About Forest Destruction Prevention Based On Indigenous People Of Dalihan Na Tolu In North Sumatra
Anwar Sadat Harahap, Ahmad Laut Hasibuan
Anti Corruption Education Based on Values Poda Na Lima
Disna Anum Siregar, Mohammad Nurdin Amin, Anwar Sadat Harahap
The Behavior of River Use Towards Leptospirosis
Iskim Luthfa, Moch. Aspihan, Swastika Dwi Saptarini
The Modeling of Micro Business Assistance by The Larger Business in The Cooperation Agency and Msme In Semarang
Dedi Rusdi, Khoirul Fuad
Religious Values in “Kapas-Kapas di Langit†Novel by Piepiet Senja and Its Implementation on Bahasa Indonesia Learning In Senior High School
Turahmat Turahmat, Oktarina Puspita Wardan, M. Rashif Aufa
Building Students’ Character Through Integrated Teaching Learning Activities at Madrassa
Haryanto Haryanto, Akhirin Akhirin
Writing Multicultural Education in Indonesia
Ahmad Susanto
Model of Human Capital Intelligence and Work Performance
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Evie Susilowati