Setyoadi Purwanto


Early childhood learning uses the principle of playing while learning so that it must be arranged so that it is fun, uplifting, and democratic. Quantum Learning is a learning method that is loaded with edutainment concepts. Based on the studies conducted, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) Quantum learning and edutainment both emphasize the urgency of a pleasant and easy atmosphere; (2) Equally starting from the world of non-education; (3) Both give primary attention to an exciting learning process, which involves physical-sensory, emotional, and suggestive beliefs; (4) Quantum learning and edutaintment are able to foster student confidence; (5) Quantum learning builds student learning skills through a variety of cutting-edge discoveries, and edutainment continually seeks to facilitate optimal learning processes; (6) Quantum learning and edutaintment simultaneously build effective communication to students.


Keywords: learning, quantum learning, edutaintmen

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jspi.v2i2.5149


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Al-Fikri is published by the Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia.

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