Peer Empowerment In Bullying Prevention In Schools

Mariyati Mariyati, Arifianto Arifianto, Dwi Nur Aini, Menik Kustriyani


Teenagers face various problems at school and some of them are caused by their peers. One of the cases faced is bullying. Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted at SMA N 8 Semarang, there have been several cases of bullying among students. The school has made efforts through the BK teacher by recording cases and calling victims and perpetrators, but there have been no special efforts to overcome bullying at school. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge about bullying and its dangers, assertive communication to prevent bullying in schools. This community service activity consists of 4 activities, namely the first is socialization about bullying prevention, health education on the dangers of bullying, a bullying complaint system and continued with assertive training consisting of 5 sessions. Participants in this activity were 32 students who were divided into 3 groups. After the assertive communication training was carried out, there was a change in students' assertive attitudes from 37.5% to 87.5%. Assertive communication training is effective in improving students' assertive abilities as an effort to prevent bullying in schools. All parties, including schools, must increase their awareness of bullying incidents and provide assistance to students so that bullying rates can be reduced and assertiveness skills can be improved.


assertiveness; bullying; training, school

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