Community Service : Nurse Training on Legal Ethics of Do Not Resuscitation (DNR)
DNR is an action that is often carried out by health workers, especially palliative nurses. This action tends to become a dilemma and ethical issue in its implementation. To prevent this, nurses need to know about the legal and ethical aspects of DNR actions. This community service action aims to increase nurses' knowledge regarding the legal ethics of DNR actions. Method The activity began with identifying the problems of nursing partners at Adiyatma Regional Hospital, Central Java Province with a field survey. Next, the activity program preparation, activity program implementation, evaluation and report preparation are carried out. This activity was attended by 32 nurses. The results of the study were analyzed using descriptive frequency distribution analysis. The results of the activity showed an increase in nurses' knowledge of 1.4% after the training. Suggestions for training actions became recommendations for increasing nurses' knowledge and skills of palliative nurses.
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