Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah is published every 4 times a year, namely March, June, September and December. Published by the Masters Program (S2) of Law, Faculty of Law, UNISSULA Semarang, as a publication media for scientific works of students, lecturers and the wider community in the development of progressive, responsive and value-laden legal science. First published in March 2006 when it was still printed on paper and starting in 2017 entered the electronic publication system. The editorial team accepts scientific conceptualization and research results, a maximum of 20 single-spaced quarto pages. The editors have the right to edit the manuscript as long as it does not change the substance. For more details, you can follow the Template provided by the JuHuKU management.

Vol 20, No 1 (2025): March 2025
Table of Contents
Legal Analysis of Judges' Decisions that do Not Conform to the Values of Justice of the Parties to the Case
Dhea Ramdhani Pangestu, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih
Police Responsibilities in Security Using Tear Gas in Relation to Child Protection
Dorprawati Siburian, Denny Suwondo
Legal Protection for Food Suppliers in Hardship in Semarang City
Abdul Satar, Andri Winjaya Laksana
Criminal Law Policy Based on Pancasila Values in the Framework of Strengthening Cyber Security
Doni Akbar Alfianda
Search According to Criminal Procedure Law From a Human Rights Perspective
Abdul Muiz
Restorative Justice Policy Analysis in Eradicating Corruption
Andi Hamzah
Investigation of Criminal Acts of Theft Based on Restorative Justice
Andi Dwisantosa, Umar Ma'ruf
Marriage Guardianship Law for Women in Islamic Jurisprudence, KHI and Supreme Court Decisions (Analysis of Religious Court Judges' Perceptions)
Ahmad Ali Akbar
Criminal Law Enforcement Against Dealers as Drug Abuse Perpetrators in Progressive Law
Wahyu Prasetyo
The Concept of Police Discretion Against Children in Conflict with the Law
Agus Susilo
Analysis of Legal Protection for Victims of Drug Abuse in the Narcotics Research Unit of the Barelang Police, Batam City
Alex Yasral
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Restitution Payment Decisions for Victims of Criminal Acts of Fraud
Agung Jaya Kusuma