The Juridical Analysis of Certificate Property Rights to Land Due to Land Ownership Disputes

Al ahmad Saleh


This study aims to determine and analyze juridically the cancellation of certificates of land titles due to disputes over ownership of land rights, and to find out and analyze the legal status of certificates of land titles that have been canceled by the court. The research approach used in this thesis is normative juridical legal research method, the specifications of this research use descriptive analytical, the types and sources of data in this study are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The data analysis method used in analyzing the data is qualitative data analysis, namely data analysis that does not use numbers but is based on laws and regulations, literature so that it can answer the problems of this research. All data obtained are then grouped into similar data for analysis purposes, and arranged in a systematic logical manner for further conclusions to be drawn using a deductive approach method (an approach using logic to draw one or more conclusions). The conclusion is the answer or problem under study, so it is hoped that it will provide a solution to the problems in this research. The results showed that the Judge in deciding the case did not pay attention to the Certificate of Property Rights but considered the witness, the judge's decision did not cancel the Certificate only stating it was not valid and binding on the object of dispute by the Court and henceforth the Plaintiff may submit an annulment and application for the right to return for the issuance of the certificate based on a court decision that has permanent legal force to the National Land Agency.

Keywords: Cancellation; Certificate; Land; Ownership; Rights.

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