Notary's Responsibility As Gate Keeper In Reporting Financial Transactions In Semarang City

Kurnia Rizky Azzahra


Money Laundering is a white collar crime that is difficult to identify. Suspicious transactions are transactions that are unusual and out of the ordinary. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the obligations and responsibilities of Notaries as reporting parties in reporting financial transactions. This study uses a type of sociological juridical research, namely viewing law in a real sense and examining how law works in a particular society or group. The study is described using a qualitative approach method to reveal attitudes, conflicts, relationships, and views that occur in a respondent's scope, describing conditions as they are, without treating or manipulating the variables studied. Using primary data collection with direct interview techniques, as well as secondary data collection by collecting legal materials. The results of the study show that Notaries have an obligation to apply the principle of recognizing service users (PMPJ) in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 19 of 2017, Notaries are required to apply the principle of caution in identifying, verifying and monitoring service user transactions. Notaries as gatekeepers are responsible for implementing procedures for recognizing service users and are responsible for recording transactions and information systems both electronically and non-electronically. Suspicious financial transaction reports (LKTM) must be submitted to PPATK through the GOAML (government anti-money laundering) application.

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