Increasing the Acceptance of New Students Based on Digital Marketing and Service Innovation with ICT Literacy as a Mediating Variable (Empirical Study at the Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS Yogyakarta))
The formulation of the problem in this study is 1) How does Digital Marketing affect the increase in the acceptance of new students?; 2) How does Digital Marketing affect ICT Literacy?; 3) How does service innovation affect the increase in the acceptance of new students?; 4) How does service innovation affect ICT Literacy? This study uses a qualitative ex-post-facto approach. The population in this study were the leaders of Islamic boarding schools, foundation administrators, teachers, Islamic boarding school administrators, and the new student admission committee totaling 81 people. The sample in this study was 81 people using a saturated sample technique. The technique used to collect data in this study was by using a questionnaire. Data analysis used includes descriptive analysis and Data Analysis with Structural Equation Model (PLS). The results of this study show the influence of Digital Marketing on the increase in the acceptance of new students at MBS Yogyakarta, in addition there is also an influence between Digital Marketing on ICT Literacy at MBS Yogyakarta. While for service innovation there is also an influence on the increase in the acceptance of new students. Furthermore, there is also an influence between service innovation on ICT Literacy. And ICT Literacy is able to mediate the influence of Digital Marketing on Increasing the Acceptance of New Students. There is an influence between Digital Marketing based on service innovation on increasing the acceptance of new students at MBS Yogyakarta which is mediated by ICT Literacy.
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