Reducing Burnout of Female Health Workers in Blora Regency Through Spiritual Leadership and Religious Coping
This study uses associative research to examine the influence of spiritual leadership, religious coping, and burnout. The population studied was all female health workers in Community Health Centers throughout Blora Regency, with a population of 768 people. The sampling method used was Nonrandom or Nonprobability, by applying the Purposive Sampling technique. The sample consisted of 84 female health workers in Community Health Centers throughout Blora Regency who were selected based on certain criteria, such as being a civil servant health worker, being Muslim, and working in Community Health Centers throughout the Former Ngawen Residency. Data collection was carried out through a closed questionnaire with a statement interval of 1-5, from Strongly Disagree (STS) to Strongly Agree (SS). Data analysis used Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis showed that leaders with a spiritual leadership style had a negative influence on burnout of female health workers, while leaders with a strong empathic leadership style had a positive influence on religious coping of female health workers. In addition, burnout tends to be reduced if employees have strong religious coping.
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