Emotional Stability as a Mediator in the Influence of Coworker Support and Professional Self Efficacy on the Performance of Health Workers at the Japah Health Center, Blora Regency
This study aims to examine the correlation between self-efficacy, social support, emotional stability, and the performance of health workers at the Japah Health Center, Blora Regency. Data were collected through a survey given to 68 respondents who were health staff. Statistical analysis was conducted to evaluate the relationship between the variables studied. Data collection was conducted through a closed survey with a range of statements 1-5, starting from Strongly Disagree (STS) to Strongly Agree (SS). The data were then analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results showed that self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on emotional stability and the performance of health workers. In addition, social support from coworkers also had a positive and significant effect on emotional stability and the performance of health workers. However, emotional stability did not act as a mediator in the relationship between these variables and the performance of health workers. This study has several limitations, including the generalizability of the results because the study was conducted in a limited location and the use of surveys as a data collection tool. Suggestions for further research include the use of a longitudinal approach, a qualitative approach, and the use of a broader scale to measure relevant variables. The practical implication of this study is the need for organizations to increase self-efficacy and social support in the workplace as a strategy to improve the performance of health workers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jrbi.v20i1.43511
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