Promotion and Production Costs on Company Performance with Company Size as a Moderating Variable

Angelita Cesariani Susanti


The Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon that has occurred in recent years provides a new perspective on viewing a company. The profit-oriented stigma that has been attached to conventional companies has recently been increasingly displaced by the Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon. The companies in question are pharmaceutical and health companies that tend to be in great demand by the wider community when a pandemic occurs. Another effect is that the company's profits in these companies will tend to increase. The next question is, what happens when the pandemic is over and can pharmaceutical and health companies still make big profits? This study uses quantitative research, namely research based on the philosophy of positivism, used to research certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, quantitative/statistical data analysis, with the aim of testing the established hypothesis. This study will use secondary data obtained from the financial reports of pharmaceutical and health sector companies that have gone public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The results of the study show that promotion costs have a positive effect on company performance. This means that when promotion costs increase, the company's performance through ROA will also increase. Production costs have a positive effect on company performance. This means that when production costs increase, the company's performance through ROA will also increase. Meanwhile, company size is able to moderate the relationship between promotion costs and ROA. This means that company size strengthens the positive relationship between promotion costs and ROA.
Keywords: Company; Cost; Production; Promotion.

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