Digital Competence Enhancement Strategy for Medical and Health Workforce: Individual Resource Approach
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred several years ago became an event that showed the vulnerability of the global health system. Various international health organizations have stated that preventing subsequent pandemics is a top priority (Boland, 2023). This approach focuses on strengthening health systems that are more educational, preventative, detect early, and respond quickly to potential health crises. A report by McKinsey (2021) noted that investment in a more preventive health system has been shown to reduce the global burden of disease by 40% by 2040, with projections of costs below $100 per year per individual saved through preventive measures through health education, healthy lifestyles, and vaccinations. This research is explanatory research, namely explanatory research or explanation is research that highlights the influence between determining variables and tests the proposed hypothesis, where the description contains a description but focuses on the relationship between variables. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, this study found that Motivation for Digital Skill Development has a positive and significant effect on Learning Agility. Strong individual motivation to develop digital skills drives their ability to learn quickly and adaptively in the face of technological changes. Technology Literacy has a positive and significant effect on Learning Agility. The ability of individuals to understand and use technology has been shown to increase their learning agility in adapting to technological advances.
Keywords: Competence; Digital; Health; Medical; Strategy.
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