Customer Citizenship Behavior and Its Impact on Word of Mouth with Customer Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable Case Study on UMKM Manika Kaltim
This study aims to explore the influence of Customer Citizenship Behavior on Word of Mouth, with a specific focus on the role of Customer Satisfaction as a moderating variable in the context of UMKM Manika Kaltim. The research employs a quantitative explanatory method to examine causal relationships between variables. Data were collected through structured questionnaires distributed to 400 customers of UMKM Manika Kaltim, representing the active customer population. Data analysis was conducted using the Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique with the SmartPLS version 4 software, which enables simultaneous evaluation of latent variables and their indicators. The findings reveal that Customer Citizenship Behavior does not have a significant effect on Word of Mouth, with a T-statistic value of 0.495 (< 1.972), indicating that voluntary customer behaviors, such as helping others or providing feedback, are not sufficient to enhance advocacy for products or services through Word of Mouth. Conversely, Customer Satisfaction is found to have a significant moderating effect, albeit with a negative relationship. This suggests that high levels of satisfaction may reduce customers' active involvement in spreading Word of Mouth. This phenomenon might stem from the assumption that the quality of products or services already meets expectations, leading customers to feel no further need to contribute through recommendations. This study provides valuable insights for UMKM to design marketing strategies that not only enhance customer satisfaction but also motivate active customer advocacy. Approaches such as offering incentives or managing customer expectations can help maximize Word of Mouth as an effective promotional tool.
Keywords: Behavior; Citizenship; Customer; Satisfaction.
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