Empirical Study of Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Work Performance at Wonosobo Police
The Indonesian National Police will enter its 78th year in 2024 and is one of the law enforcement institutions in Indonesia that has an important role in maintaining public security and order, especially in the era of digitalization and increasingly developing democracy, society is increasingly critical of issues related to the government, law enforcement, cybercrime, including the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the police are required to always adapt to an increasingly dynamic environment and an increasingly critical society. The role of the police is not only limited to law enforcement but also as the main actor in maintaining security and order and building harmonious relations between the police and the community. This type of research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach, because this study can explain the relationship and influence of independent variables on dependent variables, both together and individually in the hypothesis. The reason researchers use explanatory research is because this study is expected to be able to explain the relationship and influence between variables through hypothesis testing. The reason for using explanatory research is because this study will fully explain the influence of through hypothesis testing. Based on the research that has been conducted and the results that have been obtained, it can be concluded that: Workload Balance Affects Job Satisfaction of Police Members at Polres Wonosobo. Career Development Does Not Affect Job Satisfaction of Police Members at Polres Wonosobo. Non-Physical Work Environment Affects Job Satisfaction of Police Members at Polres Wonosobo.
Keywords: Employees; Performance; Police; Satisfaction.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jrbi.v22i1.43583
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