The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions at Kobar Jaya Furniture
This study aims to analyze the impact of price, product quality, and brand image on consumer purchase decisions at Kobar Jaya Furniture. This research falls under the category of explanatory research. To determine the number of respondents, Accidental Sampling was used, a technique that selects respondents spontaneously based on chance, i.e., anyone who happens to meet the researcher and fits the criteria as a consumer of Kobar Jaya Furniture in Kotawaringin Barat Regency, totaling 100 respondents. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical analysis and percentages, as well as quantitative analysis through SEM-PLS. The results show that price, product quality, and brand image have a positive and significant impact on purchase decisions. Specifically, price influences purchase decisions notably through perceived value and price affordability. Product quality plays a crucial role in affecting purchase decisions through attributes such as durability and reliability. Additionally, brand image shows a significant impact on purchase decisions, with brand association favorability and uniqueness being key factors.
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