The Influence of Work Life Balance and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance with Work Engagement as an Intervening Variable in Hospitals
Quality healthcare services are the foundation for maintaining community well-being. Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang, a type C hospital that has received various accolades, including certification as the first Sharia-compliant hospital in Indonesia, faces challenges in human resource management. These challenges include issues related to work-life balance, transformational leadership, and employee engagement, all of which impact employee performance. Balancing work demands and personal needs, adopting leadership styles that inspire, and fostering employees' emotional involvement in their work are key factors in creating a work environment that supports productivity and high-quality healthcare services.This study aims to analyze the influence of work-life balance and transformational leadership on employee performance, with employee engagement as an intervening variable, at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang. By gaining a deeper understanding of the relationships among these variables, this research is expected to provide strategic recommendations to enhance employee well-being while ensuring the sustainability of optimal healthcare service quality for the community. This study adopts a quantitative approach with a survey design. The population consists of all permanent employees at Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang, totaling 929 individuals. Sampling was conducted using the probability sampling method and the Slovin formula, resulting in 187 respondents as the research sample. Data were collected through structured questionnaires to measure the research variables and analyzed using inferential statistical methods.
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