The Influence of Lifestyle Brand, Image and Reference Group on Purchasing Decisions Through Purchase Interest as a Moderating Variable

Vita Wijayanti


This study uses a quantitative approach. In this study, the population consists of all visitors to the Mumuci Salatiga store. This study uses a purposive sampling technique, the number of samples used in this study is 210 respondents. The instrument used in data collection is a questionnaire. This study uses data analysis including descriptive analysis and Data Analysis with Structural Equation Model (PLS). The results of the study obtained 1) brand image has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05. 2) brand image has a positive effect on purchasing interest, obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05 at a significance level of 5%. 3) lifestyle has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.037 <0.05. 4) lifestyle has a positive effect on purchasing interest, obtained a p value of 0.041 <0.05. 5) reference groups have a positive effect on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.012 <0.05. 6) reference groups have a positive effect on purchasing interest, obtained a p value of 0.007 <0.05. 7) purchasing interest has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05. 8) purchasing interest is able to mediate the influence of brand image on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.000 <0.05. 9) purchasing interest is able to mediate the influence of lifestyle on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.043 <0.05. 10) purchasing interest is able to mediate the influence of reference groups on purchasing decisions, obtained a p value of 0.008 <0.05.


Brand; Decision; Group; Image.

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