The Moderating Role of Intrinsic Motivation in the Influence of Fear of Success and Work Family Conflict on the Performance of Policewomen at the Central Java Regional Police
This study aims to explore the moderating role of intrinsic motivation on the influence of conflict between family and work and fear of success on the performance of female police officers at the Central Java Regional Police. The research method used is an associative explanatory research type, with the aim of explaining the relationship between the variables studied, namely intrinsic motivation, fear of success, conflict between family and work, and female police performance. The population of the study was 406 female police officers at the Central Java Regional Police Work Unit, with a research sample of 113 respondents taken from the population. Data collection was carried out using a closed questionnaire with a statement interval of 1 to 5, with a scale of Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. Data analysis used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of the study showed that conflict between work and family, as well as fear of success, had a negative impact on the performance of female police officers. However, intrinsic motivation had a significant positive effect on the performance of female police officers at the Central Java Regional Police. Intrinsic motivation strengthened the ability of female police officers to deal with conflicts between work and family demands, reducing the negative impact on their performance. In addition, intrinsic motivation also helped reduce concerns about the negative impact of success, thereby weakening its effect on performance.
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