Innovation Capability Driven by Knowledge Sharing and Work Training in Improving the Performance of Temanggung Police Personnel
Knowledge is a valuable asset that, in principle, should be shared. However, in reality, sharing knowledge is often a complex challenge. This study aims to explore the role of knowledge sharing and training in improving innovation capabilities and performance of Human Resources (HR), especially at Polres Temanggung. The method used is Explanatory research by applying the Partial Least Square (PLS) method to analyze the relationship between these variables. The population of this study consisted of 108 Polres Temanggung personnel, and sampling used a purposive sampling method that requires that respondents are Polres Temanggung personnel, have more than 5 years of work experience, and have the ability to use IT devices.The results of the study indicate that knowledge sharing and work training have a significant positive effect on Innovation capabilities and the performance of Temanggung Police Personnel. In addition, it was found that Innovation capabilities also have a significant positive effect on the performance of Temanggung Police Personnel. However, the findings indicate that Innovation Capabilities do not act as a significant mediator in the relationship between knowledge sharing and work training on the performance of Temanggung Police Personnel. The implications of these findings provide a deep understanding of the importance of knowledge sharing and training practices in improving innovation and HR performance, and highlight their relevance in the context of the police.
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