Efforts to Improve the Performance of MSMEs in the Culinary Production Sector Through Access to External Funding and Financial Literacy in West Kotawaringin

Yono Maryono


Abstract. On the one hand, MSMEs contribute greatly to the absorption of labor as well as contributing to the APBD, but on the other hand, they face major obstacles in accessing external funding and their low understanding of various financial aspects. The influence of access to external funding sources and financial literacy on the growth of MSME businesses is the objective of the study. MSME entrepreneurs in the culinary production sector in West Kotawaringin were used as research samples and with the help of PLS statistical tools will be used to prove the hypothesis and answer the research objectives. The results of the study are expected to be important references and recommendations in the framework of reducing unemployment rates and increasing prosperity and welfare of the community in West Kotawaringin through the establishment and development of MSMEs along with accompanying policies from the government to further intensify the program. 


Keywords: External; Financial; Funds; Literacy; Resources.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/jrbi.v17i2.43720


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