Sar Officers Are Free Of All Legal Liability In Certain Circumstances

Muhamad Abdullah


Accidents, disasters and human endangerment conditions cannot be predicted when and where they will occur, the consequences of their occurrence are so large and complex, of course, they will have physical and psychological impacts on victims, victims’ families and on rescuers who carry out search and rescue. Another impact of this condition can also deplete natural resources, human capital, and social capital, even institutional capital in an effort to provide protection for victims, victims’ families, and especially to rescuers. Moreover, handling victims of accidents, disasters and human conditions requires certain skills. In certain limitations, the actions taken by rescuers do not rule out an adverse effect on the victim and must be held accountable by the rescuer. Based on the background of various events and their impact, the rescuers realized the need for legal protection in the form of a more concrete (penal policy) in the form of immunity rights for rescuers in carrying out their duties.

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